Mobile Application


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Give Your Consumers High-End User Experience with
High Standard API

So, to provide the best customer service and help you establish a strong relationship with your users, constructing an enjoyable app will be the most effective solution. And to make this journey easy for you, we offer our mobile application development services for both iOS and Android devices.

Being one of the best white label SEO services agencies, our goal is to help you with easy-to-implement strategies and services for making the most of your profit while staying consistent in the market.

If you wish to stay one step ahead of your competitors in terms of building loyalty with your customers, then avail top-notch iOS and Android application development services from Fondos.

Domains of our Services

Being one of the trusted Android and iOS application development companies, we offer custom app development services so that you can easily make it the critical factor of success in your business.

iOS App Development

Let your iOS users experience the best of your services via a user-friendly iOS app of your organization. It will let you penetrate the market on a broader level and help in expanding your business with much efficiency.

Our iOS application development services will help you with the development of creative and engaging user interface-friendly iOS apps built using either Swift or Objective-C programming languages. Some tools that we employ in developing iOS apps are as follows:

• Xcode

• CocoaPods

• Marvel

• Mockingbird

Android App Development

Facilitating an Android app to your consumers is an effective way to reach out to a broader audience base and offer them your services. Fondos will help you stay connected with your customers through the exclusive Android app development services.

We will build your Android application software using the latest Android tools with renowned Google SDKs. Our team expertise in developing Android apps using Java, Kotlin, C/ C++, C#, Lua, and Python. The following are some tools that we use:

• Eclipse

• Android Studio

• AVD Manager

• Unity 3D

Native App Development

Always make your organization stay updated with the latest technologies to keep your position constant at the edge of this competitive world. Our strategic expertise in the app development field makes us develop native apps with specialized tools so that your customers can use the fastest and seamless services of your company.

Content Marketing

Make the most of marketing by using the power of creation and publication of high-quality, keyword-optimized content on your site. Our customized content marketing strategies will help your site achieve a high ranking on search engines, expand your customer base, and attract the attention of the generic leads.

We implement programming languages like Swift and Objective-C for developing native iOS apps and Java, C/ C++, Kotlin, and Lua for native Android app development. Some additional tools used in developing native apps are stated below:

• AppCode

• Appcelerator

• Xamarin

• React Native

• NativeScript

Hybrid App Development

If you intend to provide your consumers with a high-speed mobile app experience, then a hybrid app for your business is all that you need. Make your app readily available to all the users with our hybrid app development services.

We utilize renowned and best quality cross-platform frameworks to build exciting and user-friendly hybrid applications that will work on various platforms and enhance your brand's growth. Cross-platform tools used for developing hybrid apps are as follows:

• Xamarin

• React Native

• Ionic

• Adobe PhoneGap

• Sencha

Custom Cloud Application Development

For increasing the productivity of your organization, we offer you our custom cloud application development services. Invite more integration and personalization to your mobile app that will reduce your investment on time and also provide your customers with a reliable mobile app experience.

We make use of .NET, Java, Golang, Python, and Node.js to fulfill all your business requirements and develop your preferred customized cloud app. Our team utilizes the following high-end tools for developing such apps.

• AppVeyor

• Red Hat OpenShift

• IBM Cloud

• AWS CodeDeploy

• Kubernetes

UI/ UX Design

For delighting your customers with interesting and user-friendly web and app interfaces, get hold of our exclusive UX/ UI design services. Our expert team utilizes top-notch UX/ UI design techniques to make your organization's app much more user-interactive and engaging. We create high-quality app designs using the following tools:

• Sketch

• InVision

• Mockups

• Zeplin

• Adobe Experience Design

Best Mobile Application Development Agency

Why Choose Fondos for iOS and Android App Development?

Our main motto is to help you out with all your app-related problems by offering the best mobile application development services so that you can reach out to your targeted audience in a fast way and easily draw their attention.

Our utmost expertise in creating the most effective and user-interactive designed apps using the popular programming languages and coding techniques, and making them compatible with all kinds of devices and operating systems will ultimately enhance the availability of your services and user experience of the app to your consumers.

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Benefits of working with Fondos

Our iOS application and Android software development service will always help your business stay ahead of the crowd by offering the following benefits:

Geo-Targeted Marketing With Direct Communication

Inform your customers about the upcoming promotional offers, new services, or launches through our well-built mobile application, and analyze the shopping behaviour and consumer insights as per the geographical location and enhance your marketing strategies accordingly.

Grow Your Sales Effectively

For incurring your sales in a much effective way, a user-friendly app will help you to impress your customers with your products that feed their interests with just one tap of their fingers.

Keep Your Customers Updated

The easy-to-navigate and quick interactive design of our iOS and Android application development will keep your customers engaged and updated about your services through the notifications, emails, and messages that are specifically designed based on their interests.

Reliable Customer Support

The addition of customer help and complaint features in the mobile app will keep your users always reliant upon you, hoping for the best support every time, thereby boosting your company's reputation and recognition.

Our Technology Partners

Frequently asked questions

There's no need to learn in-depth coding for UX/UI design, but understanding the basics can be quite helpful for making the designs more realistic.

Both iOS and Android application stores have multiple ranges of interesting apps, but Android serves as a much faster and managed OS in app management due to it's easy-to-use and accessible-to-all features.

For Android software development purposes, Java is mostly an effective programming language to create Google recognized apps.

For iOS application development, Swift offers an open-source of intuitive coding that is relatively easy to use for any programmer to create apps and launch them in the Apple store.

Hybrid applications are the form of mobile applications that are created using cross-platform frameworks like Xamarin, React Native, etc. to provide enhanced user experience and speed.


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